100 Days of Making Comics Day 1: Fear
Hi, I’m Sydney and I’m a perfectionist. Like many other people, I have a fear of failure. I enjoy making mistakes as much as getting a...

Sketchbook Sunday: March Madness
I'll admit it. I've been watching a lot of basketball these last few days, in what can only be described as the greatest time of the year...

Inktober 11-28
This October I completed my first Inktober challenge, although I did miss a few days due to vacation. But all in all, I hung with it...

Inktober 2-10
I've managed to keep up with the Inktober 2016 challenge through the first ten days! I've also been trying to use the themes for each...

Inktober 2016!
Last October, I was introduced to the month-long drawing challenge of Inktober, created by artist Jake Parker. The idea of the challenge...

Introducing My New Studio Assistant...
In honor of International Cat Day (yes, apparently there is such a thing) I thought I would take the time to introduce my new studio...

Sketchbook Sunday
Finally saw Disney's latest movie Zootopia (I highly recommend it btw if you haven't seen it yet) and became inspired to sketch out some...